Brownfield Tribal Response Program Training Modules:

TRP Training Modules List Tiers I & II [pdf]
Establishing a TRP: Introduction and Overview of the TRP Training Project [pdf]
- Purpose and Scope of the 128(a) Tribal Response Program: [ppt]
Purpose and Scope of TRP Narrative [pdf]
Ina Nez Perce, Fort Belknap Indian Community, TRP Staff Knowledge [wmv]
Lana Johnson, Ogala Sioux Tribe [wmv]
Traditional Purpose of a TRP [wmv]
Dan Heffernan, EPA R8, Future of TRP [wmv]
Boyd Lopez, Spiritual Leader, Ute Mtn Ute Tribe [wmv]
- Element 1: Timely Survey and Inventory of Brownfield Sites: [ppt]
Inventory Narrative [pdf]
Hans Bradley, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [wmv]
Conducting a Visual Inventory [wmv]
- Element 2: Oversight and Enforcement Authorities: [ppt]
Oversight Narrative [pdf]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, TRP Enforcement SW Codes [wmv]
Ina Nez Perce, Fort Belknap Indian Community, Codes a Benefit of TRP [wmv]
Ray Reed, Turtle Mtn Band of Chippewas, Enforcement [wmv]
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Codes [wmv]
- Element 3: Public Participation: [ppt]
Public Participation Narrative [pdf]
Hans Bradley, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Element 3 [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Public Involvement Cleanup [wmv]
Lyle Gwin, Three Affiliated Tribes, TRP Outreach [wmv]
- Element 4: Cleanup Plans Approval: [ppt]
Cleanup Approval Narrative [pdf]
- Public Record & Institutional Controls: [ppt]
Public Record & Institutional Controls Narrative [pdf]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Public Record [wmv]
Ray Reed, Turtle Mtn Band of Chippewas, Institutional Controls [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Landfill Institutional Controls [wmv]
- Establishing a Tribal Response Program: [ppt]
Establishing a TRP Narrative [pdf]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, TRP Evaluation Startup [wmv]
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Advice to TRPs [wmv]
- Introduction to Site Specific Activities: [ppt]
Introduction to Site Specific Activities Narrative [pdf]
Shawn Lahr, Blackfeet Tribe, Prioritization of Sites [wmv]
Bob Killian, Southern Utes, Getting Ducks in a Row [wmv]
Bob Killian, Southern Utes, Process Steps [wmv]
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Using a TBA and a 104 BF Grant [wmv]
Enhancing a TRP:
- Enhancing a TRP – Program Review: [ppt]
Enhancing TRP Narrative [pdf]
Dan Heffernan, EPA R8, Future of TRP [wmv]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, TRP Evaluation Startup [wmv]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, Other TRP Issues [wmv]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, Other Activities [wmv]
Scott Clow, Ute Mtn Ute Tribe Accomplishments [wmv]
- Enhancing the Basic Four Elements: [ppt]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Prioritization of Sites [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Checklist for Inventory [wmv]
Shawn Lahr, Blackfeet Tribe, Oversight and Enforcement [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Enforcement Prevention [wmv]
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Codes [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Coordination of Cleanup [wmv]
Lyle Gwin, Three Affiliated Tribes, TRP Outreach [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Web Site [wmv]
- Enhancing the Public Record & Institutional Controls: [ppt]
Turtle Mtn Band of Chippewa, Institutional Controls [wmv]
Scott Clow, Ute Mtn Ute Tribe, Institutional Controls [wmv]
- Other Mechanisms and Resources: [ppt]
Other Mechanisms & Resources Narrative [pdf]
David Spotted Eagle, Blackfeet Tribe [wmv]
Lana Johnson, Oglala Sioux Tribe, Other Assistance [wmv]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, TRP Collaboration [wmv]
- EPA TRP 128(a) Cooperative Agreements (Grants) and TRP Consortiums: [ppt]
Grants Narrative [pdf]
Consortiums Narrative [pdf]
TRP Options Narrative [pdf]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, Grant Reporting [wmv]
- Contract Procurement and Management for TRP Activities: [ppt]
Contracts Narrative [pdf]
- Emergency Response: [ppt]
Emergency Response Narrative [pdf]
- Site Specific Activities: Advanced: [ppt]
Site Work Advanced Narrative [pdf]
Bob Killian, Southern Ute Tribe, The Process [wmv]
Sherry Bishop, Ft. Belknap Indian Community, SHPO [wmv]
Stephanie Wallace, EPA R8, Value of AAI [wmv]
- ACRES Reporting.pdf
- BIA Title Status Reports.pdf
- Brownfield IT Kansas State.pdf
- Brownfields Law 2002.pdf
- CERCLA-SECTION 128(a).pdf
- eligible response sites - policy 3-03.pdf
- EPA HQ TRP Grant Guidance for FY11.pdf
- FR Nov. 4 2002 Tribal Consortia.pdf
- Oct 06 128 Clarification Memo use of TRP funds.pdf
- Potential Fundable Tasks for TRP Grants.pdf
- Ref No.1 Legislative History.pdf
- SBLR Subtitle C 128(a).pdf
- TRP Acronyms.pdf
- US EPA Tribal Response & Brownfield Report 09.pdf
For more information, please contact:
Jennifer Williams, Alaska Program Coordinator, Sr.
Tel: 928/523-0673
Tel: 928/523-0673
Last updated: July 13, 2015