ORCA Database

Restoring Hózhó: Building Bio-Cultural Resilience on the Navajo Nation
Herrera, T.
Date Published:
In 2005, the Quivira Coalition was approached by a group of Navajo ranchers who were running out of grass, running out of money and running out of time to reverse the trend. Fortunately, they were also running out of patience with conventional land management dogma and had the sincere desire to be stewards of their community's resources. With the support of the Ojo Encino Rancher's Committee and the Rio Puerco Alliance, Quivira’s Navajo colleagues have spent the past six years laying the groundwork for resilience in their communities. The goal of Quivira's efforts is to develop a comprehensive climate-change adaptation strategy that can be replicated in rural Native communities across the southern Colorado Plateau. Green Fire Times.
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