ORCA Database

Drought Preparedness for Tribes in the Four Corners Workshop Report
Ferguson, D., Alvord, C., Crimmins, M., Hiza Redsteer, M., Hayes, M., McNutt, C., Pulwarty, R., Svoboda, M.
Date Published:
The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)—in collaboration with the US Geological Survey (USGS) Flagstaff Science Center, the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), and the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS)—hosted 1.5 day workshop in Flagstaff, Arizona, on April 8-9, 2010, to explore opportunities for developing a drought early warning system for the Four Corners region of the U.S. Southwest. The workshop report lays out the key issues discussed at the workshop, provides some basic context and information about the climate and drivers of drought in the region, and looks toward potential next steps for developing an effective drought early warning system for the Four Corners region.
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