ORCA Database

Hydrologic Climate Change Scenarios for the Pacific Northwest Columbia River Basin and Coastal Drainages
Climate Impacts Group
Date Published:
The Climate Impacts Group worked with several prominent water management agencies in the Pacific Northwest to develop hydrologic climate change scenarios for approximately 300 streamflow locations in the Columbia River basin and selected coastal drainages west of the Cascades. The scenarios, provided to the public for free via their website, allow planners to consider how hydrologic changes may affect water resources management objectives and ecosystems. Access to the data and summary products is provided on the website. The hydrologic data produced by the study are based on climate change scenarios produced for the IPCC Fourth Assessment effort. Information on the methods and modeling tools used in the study is provided in the summary report. For new users of the site, a guide to the website and the data resources contained within it is also provided. *
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