ORCA Database

When It Rains, It Pours: Global Warming and the Increase in Extreme Precipitation from 1948-2011
Travis Madsen, Frontier Group, and Nathan Willcox, Environment America Research & Policy Center
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The Frontier Group has released a report indicating that the effects from global warming are being felt in the United States and globally.  The report's analysis of more than 80 million daily precipitation records from across the contiguous United States reveals that intense rainstorms and snowstorms have already become more frequent and more severe. The report indicates that extreme downpours are now happening 30 percent more often nationwide than in 1948. In other words, large rain events or snowstorms that occurred once every 12 months, on average, in the middle of the 20th century now occur every nine months. The report also states that the largest annual storms now produce 10 percent more precipitation, on average. Summer 2012.
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