ORCA Database

Project Design and Implementation: Bioaccumulative Toxics in Native American Shellfish
Jamie Donatuto
Date Published:
The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community (Tribe) launched the Bioaccumulative Toxics in Native American Shellfish Project (BTNAS) to address the potential human health risks associated with chemical contamination of water resources. BTNAS is a four-year interdisciplinary project involving sample collection and analysis, consumption risk modeling, education and outreach, and mitigation planning. The principal goal of the project is to ascertain whether the Swinomish people who consume subsistence-harvested clams and crabs are exposed to bioaccumulative toxics to a degree that poses chronic and acute health risks. Secondary goals are to effectively communicate and educate the community about identified risks in a culturally appropriate manner, and to develop mitigation measures. Project advisory groups have been established to discuss the project and disseminate findings with other potentially affected Puget Sound area Tribes, local, State, and federal government agencies, academic institutions and community groups. The analytical results and subsistence shellfish consumption rates specific to Puget Sound area Tribes will be used when performing Tribal health risk assessments. The risk assessments will also incorporate cultural risks such as potential loss of shellfish used in traditional ceremonies.
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