ORCA Database

Exposure Factors Handbook: 2011 Edition
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Date Published:
Some of the steps for performing an exposure assessment are (1) identifying the source of the environmental contamination and the media that transports the contaminant; (2) determining the contaminant concentration; (3) determining the exposure scenarios, and pathways and routes of exposure; (4) determining the exposure factors related to human behaviors that define time, frequency, and duration of exposure; and (5) identifying the exposed population. Exposure factors are factors related to human behavior and characteristics that helpdetermine an individual's exposure to an agent. The purpose of the Exposure Factors Handbook is to (1) summarize data on human behavioral and physiological characteristics that affect exposure to environmental contaminants, and (2) provide exposure/risk assessors with recommended values for these factors that can be used to assess exposure among both adults and children.
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