ORCA Database

Promoting Environmental Health in Native American Communities: A Webinar Series Addressing the Environmental Health and Exposure Concerns of North American Native Subsistence Populations
National EPA- Tribal Science Council and EPA's STAR Research Grants Program
Date Published:
Recently, there has been increased emphasis on encouraging traditional diets, religious practices, and customs to restore and protect the health and knowledge base of Tribal communities, while concomitantly addressing issues of environmental pollution, social justice, and sovereignty. This seminar series featured Tribal communities and their research partners conducting dietary exposure, cumulative risk, climate change health effects, and risk reduction research that aimed to quantify and reduce environmental risks and to encourage or restore traditional, healthy ways of life for American Native communities. Specific objectives of the Webinar Series included: 1. Understanding and reviewing research findings. 2. Exploring new strategies, methods, and tools for assessing environmental health exposure among Tribal populations. 3. Identifying research opportunities for advancing health protection and maintaining traditional Tribal ways of life.
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