ORCA Database

Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment
Committee on Improving Risk Analysis
Date Published:
Emerging scientific advances hold great promise for improving risk assessment. For example, new toxicity-testing methods are being developed that will probably be quicker, less expensive, and more directly relevant to human exposures, as described in the National Research Council’s Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy (2007). However, the realization of the promise is at least a decade away. To address current challenges, EPA asked the National Research Council to perform an independent study on improving risk-analysis approaches, one of a number of studies by the National Research Council that have examined risk assessment in EPA. Specifically, the committee selected by the National Research Council was charged to identify practical improvements that EPA could make in the near term (2-5 years) and in the longer term (10-20 years). The committee focused primarily on human health risk assessment but also considered the implications of its conclusions and recommendations for ecologic risk assessment. The committee conducted its data gathering for this study between fall 2006 and winter 2008, so materials published after this were not considered in the committee’s evaluation.
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