ORCA Database

Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual (Update)
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Date Published:
This manual is intended to serve primarily as a “how to” guide for the new health assessor and other site team members, and a reference and resource for the more experienced health assessor. For this reason, the “you” used throughout the guide refers to the health assessor. The manual may also be helpful to the public and other end users of ATSDR products. The public health assessment guidance manual provides guidance on how to effectively obtain, compile, and interpret environmental health data, and how to put that information into meaningful perspective. It presents the methods and tools health assessors can use to answer the critical question: Are exposures occurring and, if so, are they likely to result in adverse health effects under site-specific conditions? Specifically, it presents approaches to help you understand whether, and to what extent, people are being exposed to site-related chemical or radioactive contamination, as well as the extent to which physical hazards pose a threat.
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