ORCA Database

Nue-Ne-Pueh Resource Health Report: Results from Tissue Sampling
The Yurok Tribe Environmental Program (YTEP)
Date Published:
The purpose of this study was to investigate concerns identified by the Yurok Tribal membership about the health and safety of Yurok waters, the Klamath River, and key aquatic species relied upon for culture, subsistence and economic benefits. Community concerns were identified in surveys conducted by YTEP in 2007 and the grant was funded by EPA National Center for Environmental Research in 2008. A large component of the study was to sample and test selected aquatic species for a range of contaminants that could impact resource and human health, including heavy metals, pesticides and bio-toxins. This brochure presents the study findings. Nue-Ne-Pueh Resource Health Report: Results from Tissue Sampling, originally available at http://www.yuroktribe.org/departments/ytep/documents/YurokEPASTARFinalReportAppendixE_ResourceHealthReport.pdf.
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