ORCA Database

The Effects of Altered Diet on the Health of the Karuk People: A Preliminary Report
Kari Marie Norgaard, Ph.D.
Date Published:
The central thesis of this report is that Karuk people face significant and costly health consequences as a result of denied access to many of their traditional foods. Not only does a traditional diet prevent the onset of conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, kidney trouble and hypertension, a traditional diet of salmon and other foods is one of the best treatments for such conditions. This study will provide an overall description of the present health and economic situation of the Karuk Tribe, describe dietary changes from traditional to present day, review causes of the altered diet and document some of the many significant health benefits of the traditional Karuk diet. This is a preliminary report. Much more research is needed to fully document the extent of the current health crisis connected to lack of traditional foods. Chapter Two will lay out a preliminary assessment of the traditional foods that are currently in limited supply. This chapter will provide an overview of some of the reasons why access to these foods is presently denied the Karuk people. Chapter Three will summarize the health consequences of this change in diet, including estimates of current health conditions in the Tribe. Lack of traditional food impacts Karuk people not only due to decreased nutritional content of specific foods, but due to the overall impact the absence of these foods has on the subsistence and local economy. Chapter Four will describe the issue of food scarcity, poverty and socio-economic effects of denied access to traditional foods. Finally, the acquisition, preparation and consumption of traditional food has important cultural and spiritual impacts. Chapter Five will discuss the impacts of the loss of these activities. This report concludes with appendices that describe how figures were calculated and recommendations for further research. The Effects of Altered Diet on the Health of the Karuk People: A Preliminary Report, originally available at http://www.bidder70.org/files/71201_71300/71222/health-effects-of-altered-diet.pdf
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