ORCA Database

Fish Consumption Rates A Review of Data and Information About Fish Consumption in Washington
Toxics Cleanup Program
Date Published:
The purpose of this Technical Support Document (Version 2.0) is to compile and evaluate existing data on fish consumption in Washington State. It is a technical document, and is not designed to resolve policy issues associated with using that information to make regulatory decisions. Those issues will be dealt with in separate rulemaking documents and processes. This Technical Support Document provides useful background information for discussions related to finfish and shellfish consumption rates. The primary question addressed in this document is: What is currently known about fish consumption habits and rates for people in Washington? Specifically, what types of data are available, how much fish do people in various population groups eat, what kinds of fish do they eat, and where do they obtain the fish? Ecology recognizes that many other considerations factor into calculating protective standards, including acceptable risk levels and exposure parameters (such as exposure duration). These considerations may be relevant to various regulatory discussions. This particular document, however, focuses primarily on technical information related to fish consumption rates.
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