ORCA Database

Comments on the State’s Proposed Rule for Human Health Criteria and Implementation Tools in WA State Water Quality Standards
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC)
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The attached comments to the State’s Draft Rule for Human Health Criteria and Implementation Tools in WA State Water Quality Standards were prepared on behalf and at the behest of the 20 member treaty tribes of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, with contributions from other tribes in Washington and Oregon.These comments pertain to the January 12, 2015 draft state water quality standards and associated supporting documents issued by the WA Department of Ecology. The comments and all materials referenced and/or attached constitute a record demonstrating that the state of Washington’s proposed rule fails to protect beneficial uses of water under the Clean Water Act, a responsibility delegated to the state from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Moreover, the state’s proposal fails to respect the state’s obligation to honor the treaty rights of Pacific Northwest tribes.
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