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External Peer Review of Exposure Factors Handbook: EPA Response to Peer-Review Comments
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Date Published:
The responses to comments from the Recommendations and Conclusions Section of the Final Report on the External Peer-Review Workshop of EPA’s Draft Document “Exposure Factors Handbook” (EFH) are addressed in this document. The Peer-Review Workshop was held March 3−4, 2010, in Arlington, Virginia. This response to comments document is organized first by the charge questions provided to the peer reviewers and then by individual chapters, with the recommendations of the reviewers provided for each chapter. Following each comment is the response of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Similar comments were grouped together with one response provided at the end to avoid repetition. Appendix A provides the responses to public comments. Comments that did not require a U.S. EPA response were placed in Appendix B.
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