ORCA Database

National Conversation on Public Health and Chemical Exposure: Final Report
National Conversation Work Group, Monitoring Work Group
Date Published:
This report presents the Monitoring work group’s findings and recommendations regarding the United States’ approach to monitoring and surveillance for the purpose of protecting the public from harmful chemical exposures. The work group approached this report by addressing issues along a temporal continuum, focusing on chemical use and release, environmental monitoring, biomonitoring, and health outcomes monitoring. This report characterizes the key components along this continuum; the major strengths and limitations that exist within each topic; the work group’s vision of a successful monitoring system; and actionable recommendations to achieve that vision. The work group acknowledges several key themes that arise in its report: comprehensiveness, integration, and prioritization. The group also recognizes that data collected for monitoring must be used for public health preventive action, including priority interventions. The recommendations strive to expand and link the nation’s many existing efforts to monitor chemicals and public health, and to leverage existing infrastructure, information, and resources whenever possible. The work group recognizes that challenges and in some cases controversies are associated with issues discussed in this report, and members believe that this report reflects their support of the values of fairness, accuracy, prevention, and the protection of vulnerable populations. As suggested by the recommendations in this report, achieving the work group’s vision will take a concerted effort by experts in numerous organizations, both within and external to the government. The work group hopes that this report will move the United States toward an effective, coordinated monitoring system for public health and chemical exposures.
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