ORCA Database

Tribal Consultation Report FY 2013
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Date Published:
The CDC/ATSDR Tribal Consultation Policy requires that all agency programs consult with tribal governments when developing programs, policies, and activities that will affect Native populations. The goal of the Policy includes, but is not limited to, assisting in eliminating the health disparities faced by Indian tribes, ensuring that access to critical health and human services and public health services is maximized to advance or enhance the social, physical, and economic status of Indians; and promoting health equity for all Indian people and communities. On February 19, 2013, CDC/ATSDR sent the revised Tribal Consultation Policy to the chief, chairperson, governor, president, or equivalent elected or appointed tribal leader of each federally recognized tribe for a review and comment period. The initial comment period closed on March 15, 2013. After several requests for an extension, CDC/ATSDR reopened the comment period until May 20, 2013. Sixteen letters were received from tribes and Native-serving organizations providing comments on the revised Policy. CDC/ATSDR will respond to each individual tribe and organization that submitted a letter to address their comments.
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