ORCA Database

The Safe Kids Buyer’s Guide
Green Science Policy Institute
Date Published:
Compared to previous generations, today’s children have higher rates of serious health problems including allergies, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, birth defects, certain types of cancer, cryptorchidism, hypospadias, diabetes, and obesity. In hundreds of animal studies, such conditions have been connected to environmental factors such as flame retardant chemicals. Our current regulatory system does not protect our children from such toxic chemicals. Flame retardants, found at high levels in baby products and furniture, may be contributing to these serious health problems. These chemicals leak into dust where they make their way into our bodies where they can pose a health hazard. In our recent study, we found that 80% of baby products tested, including nursing pillows, changing table pads, baby carriers, and car seats, contained chemical flame retardants associated with adverse health effects or lacking adequate health information. These chemicals continue to be used in baby products despite the fact that they provide no fire safety benefit.
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