ORCA Database

Flame Retardant Chemicals and Public Health: Fire Safety Without Harm
Arlene Blum
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Extensive research has determined that flame retardant chemicals, as they have been used in home furniture and baby products, do not improve fire safety and are associated with endocrine disruption, cancer, and neurological and reproductive impairments. In response, California recently changed their state furniture flammability standard to provide increased fire safety without the use of flame retardants. How will the new standard allow manufacturers to achieve fire safety without harm? Arlene Blum Ph.D., author, mountaineer, and founder of the Green Science Policy Institute, discusses six classes containing chemicals of concern, the science and policy of flame retardant chemicals, and the national health impacts of new fire safety standards. Learn how you can support our efforts in Alaska to support legislation that would phase out harmful flame retardants from children’s products and upholstered furniture. Flame Retardant Chemicals and Public Health: Fire Safety Without Harm originally available at http://www.akaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Arlene-Blum-Presentation-03-04-15.pdf, last accessed July 16, 2015.
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