ORCA Database

OPPTS Tribal News: Alaska Vol. I
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS)
Date Published:
This publication provides an overview of the history and culture of Alaska Natives with a visit to two Native Villages, articles on science and research efforts in Alaska, and our Kid’s Page activity. It also features articles on common environmental issues and concerns, technical research initiatives, tribal success stories focused on improving the environment, a traditional storytelling Kid’s Page, and a few words from some Alaska Native elders. Volume one of this issue devoted entirely to Alaska contains an overview of the political and cultural history of Alaska Natives, articles on science and research efforts in Alaska, and our Kid’s Page. Volume two of this issue contains: summaries of current environmental issues and concerns including climate change, wildlife, endangered species, impacts from the mining and oil industries, and solid waste and toxic contaminants issues; articles focusing on programs and initiatives; and, success stories. Also contained in this volume are insights from Alaska Native elders and a Kid’s Page focused on traditional storytelling.
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