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OPPTS Tribal News: USEPA Announcements
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
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In these uncertain times, the OPPTS Tribal News Spring 2003 issue would like to provide an introduction to the topic of Homeland Security. Everyday our world continues to change as we are facing more serious and complex issues. Having ready access to vital information that is intended to protect our homeland, environment, and communities from threats posed by domestic and international terrorism is important to all us. Every effort to communicate pertinent information with tribes and Alaska Native Villages will be extremely important if we are to fully achieve the Agency’s goals of protecting the environment and safeguarding the public health in Indian country. This issue also provides updates to other important events and initiatives that are of interest to our readers, including a message regarding the National Tribal Environmental Council (NTEC) and EPA Kid’s Page Design Contest.
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