ORCA Database

OPPTS Tribal News: Research Needs within Indian Country Vol 3
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
Date Published:
The need for research in Indian Country and Alaska Native Villages is an important issue facing Indigenous communities, tribal organizations, research groups, federal organizations, and EPA. In February 2001, EPA published the Environmental Justice and Community- Based Health Model Discussion and Recommendations Report. The report presents advice and recommendations concerning research needs within Indian country and Alaska Native villages based on results from pre-meeting preparation, on-site discussion, and public comment associated with the meeting of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC), held May 23-26, 2000. The meeting and report were prepared by NEJAC, as requested by EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice. (See story continued page 9). This initiative, as well as several other research projects featured within this issue, provide information and updates on research in pesticides, pollution prevention, and risk assessment within Indian country and Alaska Native Villages.
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