ORCA Database

OPPTS Tribal News: Tribal Partnerships and Mercury Research
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
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This is the first summer at the dawn of a new millennium and environmental issues are at the forefront of the national conscience. In Indian Country, environmental issues are an extremely important part of everyday life, ranging in matters from balancing tribal economic growth with environmental impacts to the use of traditional knowledge to defend the earth from degradation. Everyday, Indian people struggle with the reality of an out-of-balance-earth, and it is our sincere hope that the information contained within will provide a basis to help tribal communities and individuals to further the restoration of an equilibrium. This issue provides updates to important events and initiatives that are of interest to our readers, including a message regarding Tribal Pesticide Program Council (TPPC), mercury research in Indian Country and EPA Kid’s Page.
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