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OPPTS Tribal News: Preventing Pollution Programs
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
Date Published:
This issue of OPPTS Tribal News features a variety of articles from tribes that have pollution prevention programs assist in a better understanding of the concerns, issues and in some cases, innovative approaches towards solutions of preventing pollution every season. Some of the topics discussed include: ◗ Facts on Persistent Organic Pollutants - EPA’s Office of Pesticides ◗ Mohegan Indian Tribe and P2 - Dr. Norman Richards, Mohegan Tribe ◗ Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins’ Initative - EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics ◗ Gila River Indian Community - Share Pesticides Spray Drift Issues ◗ Buffalo: Winter Comes to Yellowstone - Winona LaDuke, Honor the Earth OPP would like to announce that the the latest news on the Tribal Pesticides Program Council can be viewed on the National Tribal Environmental Council Web Site. Visit http://ntec@ntec.org for the latest.
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