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OPPTS Tribal News: The Emergence of Information Technology and Science to Protect Tribal Homelands
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
Date Published:
Since the first printing of the OPPTS Tribal News, we have seen many articles about Native Americans and the substantial issues concerning environmental pollutants in tribal lands. These chemical pollutants affect subsistence foods, medicinal herbs, homes within tribal communities, and unborn children. This problem spans from the Alaskan Aleuts to Passamaquoddy Indian Township, Maine. The article, “Drumbeat of Mother Earth” featured in the Fall/Winter 1999 issue of OPPTS Tribal News states that “…tribal people consider persistent toxic chemicals to be the greatest threat to the long term survival of Native Americans.” In response to these issues, EPA’s Tribal Based Environmental Protection Committee has developed Tribal Relational Environmental Numeric Health Database System (TRENHDs), a user-friendly database tracking tool that uses Geographic Interface Systems (GIS) technology. In this issue of OPPTS Tribal News, OPPTS gathered news and data on current technology trends and other GIS programs that provide information on several environmental issues and mapping to assist tribal communities in improving pollution prevention, researching chemicals and toxics released near tribal lands, and initiating community and facility health and safety plans.
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