ORCA Database

OPPTS Tribal News: Tribal Environmental Programs
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
Date Published:
American Indians in partnership with EPA have been working together more than ever in the planning, developing, and implementation of environmental programs in Indian Country. American Indians have always been keepers of their own environment. But as more environmental issues and problems surface in Native American communities, this partnership becomes even more critical. EPA realizes the importance of capacity building and Tribes implementing their environmental programs. Some efforts of EPA are to increase tribal capacity building and technical assistance and training for tribal environmental program managers. As tribal communities manage their diverse environmental concerns and issues, it is vital that EPA understands the different environmental programs managed by tribal organizations. With this understanding, EPA can be more flexible with various approaches so that Tribes, states, and EPA can effectively continue working together in protecting the environment and public health of American Indians well into the twenty-first century. Several tribal groups in different areas of Indian Country have shared their environmental programs and are featured in this Summer edition of OPPT Tribal News, including: The Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency The Gila River Indian Community The St. Regis Mohawk Environmental Division, The Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Inc.
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