ORCA Database

OPPTS Tribal News: Tribal Colleges and Universities
The Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) and Tribal Environmental News Exchange
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There is a new section of OPPT Tribal News is devoted to news and articles from the Office of Pesticide Programs, the sister office to OPPT. Both OPPT and the Office of Pesticide Programs are part of EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. As thoughts of graduation grow near, we are delighted in this issue of OPPT Tribal News to feature the expanding efforts of tribal colleges to meet the challenges of environmental education. Articles begin on page 4. A special congratulations to the latest math, science, and technology graduates from tribal communities, and to the All Nations Alliance for its efforts to double the number of tribal graduates in these disciplines (see story on page 4).
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