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Meaningful Involvement and Fair Treatment by Tribal Environmental Regulatory Programs
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council and Indigenous Peoples Subcommittee
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The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council’s report entitled “Meaningful Involvement and Fair Treatment by Tribal Environmental Regulatory Programs, dated November 2004” This document is intended to stimulate thought, discussion, and action to enhance environmental justice for indigenous peoples and others living and working in Indian country and in Alaska Native villages. This report builds on a document created by the NEJAC in November 2000, “Guide on Consultation and Collaboration with Indian Tribal Governments and the Public Participation of Indigenous Groups and Tribal Members in Environmental Decision Making,” which focuses on how EPA can more effectively consult and collaborate with tribes to address the range of environmental and public health issues in Indian country and of concern to tribes. This recent report discusses EPA’s role in helping tribes develop processes for effective public participation and due process, as they develop and implement federally-approved environmental programs.
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