ORCA Database

US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Date Published:
An important first step to ensuring environmental justice for all people in this country is to identify the areas where people are most vulnerable or likely to be exposed to different types of pollution. For this reason, EPA developed EJSCREEN to help aid in efforts to ensure programs, policies, and resources are appropriately inclusive and consider the needs of communities most burdened by pollution. EJSCREEN is an environmental justice screening and mapping tool that utilizes standard and nationallyconsistent data to highlight places that may have higher environmental burdens and vulnerable populations. The tool provides both summary and detailed information at a high geographic resolution for both demographic and environmental indicators. EJSCREEN also provides twelve EJ Indexes, which combine demographic information with a single environmental indicator (such as proximity to traffic) that can help identify communities that may have a high combination of environmental burdens and vulnerable populations. The tool displays this information in color-coded maps, bar charts, and standard reports on an easy to use web interface. All of this information can be used to assist efforts by stakeholders and advocates to protect human health and the environment in communities affected by pollution.
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