ORCA Database

EJSCREEN Fact Sheet 2
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Date Published:
EJSCREEN is an environmental justice (EJ) screening and mapping tool that provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and methodology for calculating “EJ indexes,” which can be used for highlighting places that may be candidates for further review, analysis,or outreach as the agency develops programs, policies and other activities. The tool provides both summary and detailed information at the Census block group level or a user-defined area for both demographic and environmental indicators. The summary information provided by EJSCREEN is in the form of EJ Indexes which combine demographic information with a single environmental indicator (such as proximity to traffic) that can help identify communities that contribute the most toward overall national disparity in the given environmental indicator. The tool also provides additional detailed demographic and environmental information to supplement screening analyses in color-coded maps, bar charts, and standard reports on an easy to use web interface. All of this information assists EPA in incorporating environmental justice principles into the agency’s work.
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