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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Universe of Chemicals
The Office of Chemical Safety & Pollution Prevention, the Office of Water and the Office of Research and Development
Date Published:
Developed in response to recommendations from the Office of Inspector General, The EDSP Universe of Chemicals and General Validation Principles document provides background on the universe of chemicals for endocrine disruptor screening and testing and an overview of the general validation principles that will be used to evaluate computational toxicological methods for chemical prioritization. In November 2012, EPA released the List of EDSP Universe of Chemicals. This document is updated as new information becomes available. The List of the EDSP Universe of Chemicals contains approximately 10,000 chemicals as defined under FFDCA and SDWA 1996 amendments, although not all of the chemicals are expected to undergo EDSP Tier 1 screening. The agency plans to prioritize these chemicals for screening by considering physical chemical properties, exposure, and an effect-based approach using advanced computational toxicological methods. These methods and tools will be evaluated using OECD validation principles for their utilization in chemical prioritization. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Universe of Chemicals originally available at http://www.epa.gov/scipoly/oscpendo/pubs/edsp_chemical_universe_list_11_12.pdf and last accessed July 31, 2015.
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