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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Comprehensive Management Plan
The Office of Chemical Safety & Pollution Prevention and the Office of Water
Date Published:
This EDSP comprehensive management plan is intended to provide strategic guidance for FY 2014 and through FY 2019. This management plan is a living document. It will be evaluated on an annual basis for necessary revisions reflecting adjustments to program priorities and resources and to shift the time horizon. The plan covers the current fiscal year (FY) plus five years into the future of the program. Annual revisions of this plan will be released to coincide with the annual review process and for alignment with the agency's fiscal year planning and budgeting cycle. It is important to note that, although this overarching, management plan will be evaluated on an annual basis; certain elements of the plan (e.g., the list of activities and distribution of resources) may be evaluated and adjusted on a more frequent basis throughout each year. This plan was developed by the EPA to provide strategic guidance to the EPA staff and managers participating in the internal activities associated with EDSP. This plan is not intended to establish any policy or procedures or impose any requirements. While the requirements in the statutes, agency regulations, and the EDSP orders are binding, it is important to note that nothing in this plan is binding on either the EPA or others. As such, the EPA may depart from this plan where circumstances warrant and without prior notice.
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