ORCA Database

Report: Analysis of Arsenic in Rice and Other Grains
Food Safety and Sustainability Center
Date Published:
The Consumer Reports Food Safety and Sustainability Center is committed to ensuring that consumers have access to a fair, just, and safe food system. The center works in many domains, and one of its core goals is to eliminate toxins from the food supply. Heavy metals, especially arsenic, and their continued cycling through our food are a major concern. Since the publication of our first report on “Arsenic in Apple Juice” in January 2012 and “Arsenic in Your Food” in November 2012, the center has continued to investigate the presence of arsenic in our food and work with stakeholders to reduce it. In the current investigation we have attempted to respond to consumer questions regarding the presence of arsenic in additional types of rice, rice products, and other grains by conducting additional testing and analysis.
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