ORCA Database

Washington brakes law serves as national model Manufacturers, states, EPA sign agreement to reduce copper in brake pads
Andrew Wineke
Date Published:
Washington’s drive to protect salmon and other aquatic species became a national model today as brake manufacturers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and an association of states signed an agreement based on Washington’s low-copper standards. Even in low concentrations, copper is toxic to salmon and other fish, interfering with their ability to avoid predators and return to their spawning streams. The Washington Legislature passed the Better Brakes Law in 2010 to reduce the amount of copper and other toxic chemicals in brake pads. California passed a similar law at the same time. Since then, the Washington Department of Ecology has worked closely with brake manufacturers and other stakeholders to agree on a plan to reduce copper in brake pads below 5 percent by 2021 and below 0.5 percent by 2025.
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