ORCA Database

The National Congress of American Indians: Calling for US Ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
The National Congress of American Indians
Date Published:
This resolution addresses mercury contamination issues. Whereas the earlier resolution called for the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs to hold hearings, this resolution calls for 1) ratification of an international agreement, the Minamata Convention on Mercury, by the U.S.; 2) EPA and HHS prioritization of clean-up of sites impacting tribal communities, and 3) a phase out of the use of mercury in dental fillings by IHS. The National Congress of American Indians: Calling for US Ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, originally available at http://www.ncai.org/attachments/Resolution_GjszIyCiGnoCAyhMNINlHEEuGYndhyDstaCmSKSWEaOrUWUCKqt_TUL-13-051%20Final.pdf, last accessed August 9, 2015.
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