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EPA’s Approach to Developing Permitting Guidance for Hydraulic Fracturing Using Diesel Fuels: Underground Injection Control 101
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Date Published:
The Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes EPA to develop minimum federal regulations for state and tribal Underground Injection Control (UIC) programs to protect underground sources of drinking water. SDWA mandates EPA to regulate underground injection of all fluids – liquid, gas, or slurry. SDWA establishes a process for approving primary enforcement authority to states and tribes. SDWA authorizes EPA to provide grants to states and tribes in support of essential UIC program functions. SDWA provides states with flexibility to establish effective Class II (oil and gas) programs. Underground injection endangers drinking water sources if such injection may result in any contaminant being present in underground water that supplies, or can be reasonably expected to supply, any public water system, and if the presence of such contaminant may result in such system’ not complying with any national primary drinking water regulation or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons.
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