ORCA Database

Indian Policy Treaty Rights Memo
Gina McCarthy
Date Published:
Good governance demands that the EPA increase our efforts to work in concert with other federal agencies, tribes, states and local governments to protect human health and the environment. Coming together to set priorities and define mutual roles and responsibilities regarding the administration of environmental-protection programs will build stronger, more efficient and effective partnerships. The EPA remains committed to continue building on the following notable Indian program efforts: • engaging tribal-elected officials on key environmental and public-health issues through an annual tribal leaders' listening session; • coordinating with the Environmental Council of the States to include tribal governments in key discussions as co-regulators; • using the Council for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to ensure that the U.S., Canada and Mexico continue to work with indigenous communities across North America and recognize the importance of the traditional ecological knowledge and practices of indigenous communities; and • working with the Department of the Interior to build tribal resiliency regarding the impacts of climate change. The EPA this year also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program. Through this program, the EPA has provided more than $1 billion in direct funding to federally recognized tribes and intertribal consortia to build strong, sustainable tribal environmental protection program capacity. "The Indian Policy Treaty Rights Memo" originally available at http://www.epa.gov/tribal/pdf/indianpolicytreatyrightsmemo2014.pdf, last accessed August 9, 2015.
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