ORCA Database

Preventing Exposure to PCBs in Caulking Material
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Date Published:
PCBs may be released to air from intact, undisturbed caulk through off-­gas-­ sing, and people may inhale the released PCBs. The condition of the caulk is not an indicator of the presence of PCBs. The only way to be sure that caulk has PCBs is to have a professional test the caulk. In addition to inhalation from PCBs in the air or dust, exposure may occur when a person comes in contact with the caulk and any surrounding materials into which the PCBs may have been released (e.g., brick, concrete, wood). Exposure may also occur through contact with PCB-­contaminated soil adjacent to buildings. Soil may become contaminated with PCBs when caulk weathers. EPA is particularly concerned when PCBs are present during renovation or remodeling activities because these activities increase the potential likeli-hood of exposure. 􀁑 Keep people out of areas where renovation or remodeling activities are occurring. 􀁑 Promote safe work practices during renovation activities. 􀁑 Take actions to safely remove caulk during PCB removal or renovation projects and undertake and complete the work in a timely fashion.
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