ORCA Database

Developing a Tribal Water Monitoring Strategy (Supplement to the Clean Water Act Section 106 Tribal Guidance)
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This document addresses development of a water quality monitoring strategy. Similar documents are available for both water quality assessment reports and electronic submission of data (refer to the sections on data management and reporting below for more information). In developing a strategy, as per the Tribal 106 Guidance, the items below should be seen as topic areas to cover and examples of the types of information that should be included in the strategy. This document is meant to provide additional detail about how to describe your current and future program in relationship to the ten elements of a monitoring and assessment program. Example tables have been included in Attachment A for selected Elements and may serve as a useful starting point for reviewing/describing your monitoring program. These tables are intended to serve as general examples only. They can be modified to reflect the specifics of your tribe’s monitoring and assessment program. The complexity of the strategy you describe will depend on the sophistication of your monitoring program. Your strategy description can vary in length as long as you adequately describe a program that meets your data and information needs and considers future needs. The format should be based on what works best for each tribe. The strategy should be updated every 3-5 years, or more often as appropriate, to reflect progress and changes in the program. Considerations for “Fundamental” and “Intermediate/Mature” water quality programs (see definitions in the glossary [Attachment C] or in the Tribal 106 Guidance) are identified under each Element in the following section, in tables. Intermediate programs should consider all items in the right hand column of these tables, but may be addressing fewer objectives than mature programs. Mature programs should include all items identified in the template.
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