ORCA Database

Guidance and Policy for Implementation of Tribal Air Monitoring Programs
Date Published:
This document, Guidance and Policy for Implementation of Tribal Monitoring Program, was developed to improve the ability of tribes and EPA Regional Offices to prioritize monitoring needs, choose an appropriate level of funding for ambient air monitoring on tribal lands relative to other air management work, and ensure that monitoring funds are used effectively on chosen projects. This document is also intended to provide a level of consistency between OAR and the EPA Regions in our expectations of tribal monitoring programs. The intended audience for this document is EPA Regional Office and Headquarters staff involved in resource allocations, tribal air grant award and management, program evaluation, strategic planning of monitoring networks, technical support to monitoring programs, and using ambient air data collected from tribal monitoring programs. This document has been developed in a question/answer format as a way of distinguishing discrete topics related to ambient air monitoring activities. This guidance and policy document is an internal EPA document and will be revised as needed.
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