ORCA Database

OGWG Road Map: Phase I Report, Base and Future Year Emission Inventory Review and Work Plan Development
John Grant, Rajashi Parikh, Amnon Bar-Ilan, Ramboll Environ
Date Published:
The Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) Oil and Gas Work Group (OGWG) prepared the Road Map Scope of Work (Road Map; WRAP OGWG, 2017) to guide technical work to meet air quality planning needs for regional haze. The deliverables developed under the Road Map may also be relevant to regional and local planning for ozone air quality and other air pollution indicators. The focus of the Road Map is emissions from upstream and midstream oil and gas (O&G) sources. Downstream emissions will not be considered unless specific case(s) warrant special consideration. O&G emission inventories developed under the Road Map will include well site, gathering, and processing subsectors (items 1, 5, and 6 in Figure 1-1). Item 1) On-shore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production are referred to as “well site” sources; emissions from well site sources are typically classified as nonpoint sources1. Items 5) Gathering and Boosting and 6) Gas Processing Plant are collectively referred to as “midstream” sources; emissions from midstream sources are typically classified as point sources.
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