ORCA Database

Tuluksak River Gold Dredging Water-Quality Assessment; Nyac, Alaska
Water-Quality Assessment, and Citizen Monitoring Networks; Balanca Hydrologics, Inc
Date Published:
A subsidiary of Noranda Mining has proposed to redredge approximately 1200 acres of alluvial lowland beneath and adjacent to the Tuluksak River, near Bethel, Alaska. The mining company has proposed a complex, multi-phased operations plan, which will lead to reworking of the entire width of the valley to a depth of approximately 85 feet. Much of this area had previously been dredged to a shallower depth during the first decades of this century, with recovery aided by using mercury for amalgamation. The technologies in use at the time were only partially successful in recovering mercury; considerable amounts of spent mercury remain within the tailings Barry Hecht, was originally retained as an expert witness regarding the technical adequacy of the environmental impact assessments and of the wetlands restoration plan. Balance staff ultimately recommended or conducted several supplemental studies as a means of resolving outstanding issues.
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