ORCA Database

Environmental Health Research on the Navajo Nation: Navajo Birth Cohort Study - 2013 Presentation
Chris Shuey, MPH, co-investigator; Christine Vining, MS, SLP; Johnnye L. Lewis, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Principal Investigator
Date Published:
The purpose of this presentation is to provide all Navajo Birth Cohort Study staff the same background information about the origins of the study and its principal components. It provides a summary of the scientific principles underlying the study, the historical backdrop of uranium mining impacts, and how results of previous research on the Navajo Nation inform the design and implementation of the NBCS. The presentation supports training aimed primarily at personnel having dedicated positions in the study: Cohort Clinical Liaisons (CCLs) at Navajo Nation and Indian Health Service healthcare facilities, Community Health and Environmental Research Specialists (CHERSs) employed by the Navajo Nation, and Research Field Staff (RFS) employed by SRIC or UNM. It also informs healthcare providers and clinical staff, elected officials and community leaders, and Navajo community members. This presentation is refined, updated and adjusted periodically as the study progresses. It is meant to be flexible enough to be useful for different audiences with differing educational levels. NBCS staff members should have a firm understanding of the content of this presentation so they may respond accurately and effectively to all questions and comments from prospective participants.
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