ORCA Database

Participating in the National Environmental Policy Act -Developing a Tribal Environmental Policy Act: A Comprehensive Guide For American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Gillian Mittelstaedt, Dean Suagee, Libby Halpin Nelson
Date Published:
The purpose of this Guidance is to provide Indian tribes with a solid understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and to help restore their sovereign right to participate in and affect the decisions and actions of the federal government. Each year, thousands of federally approved, permitted, or financed land-use actions take place with potentially adverse effects on tribal resources. Urban growth, suburban sprawl, forestry, mining, agriculture, and industrial activities are only a few of the threats to tribal resources. Unchecked, such activities can seriously impair the cultural foundation, political integrity, economic security, health, and safety of tribal lands, resources, and families. Since its passage in 1969, NEPA has made
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