ORCA Database

Handbook of Groudwater Protection and Cleanup Policies for RCRA Corrective Action for Facilities Subject to Corrective Action Under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
US EPA, US Environmental Protection Agency
Date Published:
This Handbook is designed to help you as a regulator, member of the regulated community, or member of the public find and understand EPA policies on protecting and cleaning up groundwater at Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action facilities1. EPA developed this Handbook as part of the RCRA Cleanup Reforms (refer to http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/ca/reforms.htm) that EPA announced in July 1999 and January 2001 (EPA, 2001d and EPA, 1999c). EPA’s goal for this Handbook is to help meet the objectives of these reforms by reducing time-consuming uncertainties and confusion about EPA’s policies concerning groundwater protection and cleanup at RCRA facilities. We believe clarifying EPA’s groundwater policies will help promote faster, focused, and more flexible cleanups, and foster creative solutions.
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