ORCA Database

Public Participation Manual; Chapter 3 Site Mitigation Process
Department of Toxic Substance Control
Date Published:
Public participation is an integral part of DTSC’s Site Mitigation Program, by law, regulation and policy. Public participation ensures that there is two-way communication between the public and the public agencies responsible for making decisions regarding hazardous substance release site investigations and remediation. It ensures that public input and concerns are considered before final decisions are made. It assumes that citizens in a democracy have a right to know about the activities of public agencies and to participate in those activities if they so choose. Public participation assumes that agencies benefit from public input, and thereby make better decisions. The timing of public participation activities is critical to the success of the program. Early and meaningful involvement also enhances agency credibility with the public, lessening the likelihood of public outrage that occurs if a community feels it has been excluded from the agency decision-making process. Both state and federal laws require this kind of early involvement when hazardous substance release sites are investigated and remediated. The following subsections provide specific authority and policy for public participation site mitigation.
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