ORCA Database

Regulations Governing Off-the-Record Communications; Public Notice
Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commision
Date Published:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing public notice that it is updating its policy allowing for the award of grants to intertribal consortia to include two new grant programs that were authorized by the recently enacted Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (SBLRBRA). The effect of this policy change is that EPA interprets its authority to award, to Federally recognized Indian tribes, Brownfields Revitalization Grants and State and Tribal grants for the establishment and enhancement of state and tribal response programs to include awarding such grants to intertribal consortia, as the term is defined in this document. This document does not affect the eligibility status of intertribal consortia in their capacity to apply for other types of grants authorized under SBLRBRA.
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