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FY17 Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment Grants
USEPA, US Environmental Protection Agency
Date Published:
The Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (“Brownfields Law”, P.L. 107-118) requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish guidance for grants to assess and clean up brownfield sites. EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, communities, tribes, and nonprofits to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. Under these guidelines, EPA is seeking proposals for Assessment Grants only. If you are interested in requesting funding for Cleanup Grants, please refer to announcement EPA-OLEM-OBLR-16-09 (Cleanup Grant Guidelines) posted separately on www.grants.gov and www.epa.gov/brownfields/apply-brownfields-grant-funding.
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