ORCA Database

Opportunities For Petroleum Brownfields
USEPA, US Environmental Protection Agency
Date Published:
With Opportunities For Petroleum Brownfields, EPA has developed a tool to help state, tribal, and local public officials, communities, developers, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholders identify and tap into the potential of these sites and reap the associated environmental, economic, and aesthetic rewards of their revitalization. This report presents five categories of petroleum brownfields, examples of successful reuse projects within those categories, and funding and technical assistance resources for petroleum brownfields revitalization. By analyzing above and underground storage tank data; compiling funding and technical assistance resources from the federal, state, local, and private sectors; and relating successful approaches to revitalization from multiple redevelopment projects, this report aims to give stakeholders the information they need to assess, clean up, and safely reuse petroleum sites in ways that can benefit communities.
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