ORCA Database

From Trash to Treasure
Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation, TWAR Steering Committee; Tracy Horst, Choctaw Nation, TWAR Steering Committee member
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Repurposing items is a great way to both save money, recycle items and help the environment. It reduces the amount of waste that is put into landfills while also reducing the amount of virgin materials that are used to make new items. All that is required is a little time and creativity which can give unlikely of items a new lease on life. In this session, participants will learn ways to repurpose items out of different materials that could be used in outreach pro-grams, start a craft circle or just brighten up their communities. Participants are asked to bring 3-clean, plastic pop or water bottles (24 oz. or less) to this session as we will be doing a repurposing project. Presented by: Page Hingst, Santee Sioux Nation & Tracy Horst, Choctaw Nation during TLEF 2019.
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